I am discovering the power of my subconscious mind

This is a downloadable positive thought conditioner you can use to program your mind for success. The download link is located at the end of this post.

I am discovering the power of my subconscious mind.

I give myself uninterrupted time to focus on building myself up. Quiet time is where self-affirmation begins. During my daily affirmations I turn off my cell phone, laptop, and all other electronic devices that constantly tug at my attention. This way I can focus on me and how I feel inside.

To discover the beauty inside me, I focus on my subconscious mind, training it to look at my true self, my core being. I clear my mind through prayer and mindful meditation. Coming face to face with my deepest thoughts helps me to uncover the power of my subconscious mind and the person I really am. (more…)

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