Archive for the ‘ Choose happiness ’ Category

4 simple positive thinking tips to help you achieve the life of your dreams

Over the years I’ve read about and experienced the power of positive thinking. From my earliest exposure to it in the magazine Guideposts, created by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, to present, positive thinking has had a very powerful and persistent presence in my life.

Over the years I have found that the way I think, either positively or negatively, directly affects more than just my mood, it affects the outcomes I receive. I have also found that there have been times when it was a lot easier to be negative than positive.

Maybe you or somebody you know has had this experience also. If you have, then maybe these tips might be helpful. I know that when I’ve focused on doing what I’m suggesting here it has definitely helped me. So enjoy, and I hope you have a wonderful week!

“The secret of life isn’t what happens to you, but what you do with what happens to you.” – Dr. Norman Vincent Peale

In 1952 Norman Vincent Peale published “The Power of Positive Thinking”, in my opinion, one of the greatest positive thinking books of all time. It is the foundation of many positive thinking books that are on the market today.

The publishing of that book was the springboard for Dr. Peale to go on and publish a number of other positive thinking books as well as “Guideposts”, a Christian based positive focused monthly magazine. My mom read guideposts for the entire time I knew her and it was because of her I became interested in the power of positive thinking.

Since Dr. Peale, every self-help guru on the planet has said that the way to experience happiness, prosperity, and health is via the doorway of positive thoughts. The interesting thing is that power of positive thinking is easy to talk about and put into action when everything is going great in your life. The problem is that it may not have the same uplifting power as things are crashing and burning all around you. But don’t despair! There is a great deal of potency in the power of positive thinking. When you begin to focus your mind on the positive you can take control of your thoughts and use them to guide you in the direction you want to go. And remember, your thoughts are the driving force toward your destiny.

Use these four simple positive thinking tips to help you achieve the life you want to live:

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Happiness 101


Do you ever find yourself wondering how to find happiness? Have you ever struggled to achieve your goals and dreams? What I’ve found is that when this happens we can become stuck and struggle with life’s challenges. This can cause our world to shrink and for us to withdraw from life. The good news is there are ways to get more out of life and achieve more of your goals and dreams.

That’s why I wrote this article, it’s for those people who, like me, at times find they are struggling to achieve their goals and find happiness. These are techniques that have helped me to stretch and grow and have brought joy into my life. Hopefully they can help you too.

Now on to this week’s article…

How to Find Your True Happiness

“Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.” – Dalai Lama

As the Dali Lama points out, happiness doesn’t just lie around waiting to be picked up. As M. Scott Peck said in his outstanding book “The Road Less Traveled” “Life is difficult”. The choice is whether you decide to accept this or try to deny it or, even worse, try to drown it out with chemicals, meaningless activities or just withdrawing from the world because it has become just too burdensome.

My opinion is that it is best to admit that this is just the way life is and make the decision to be happy anyway. As Alfred D Souza once said, “For a long time it had seemed to me that life was about to begin – real life. But there was always some obstacle in the way, something to be gotten through first, some unfinished business, time still to be served, a debt to be paid. Then life would begin. At last it dawned on me that these obstacles were my life”.

That statement is very Zen like but, at least for me, says that there is no single path to happiness. Happiness is actually about embracing life and cherishing every moment you are given, enjoying this wonderful vacation on the most interesting planet (at least for now) in the universe.

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Learning to Meditate

For the past three or four years I have made it a practice to meditate every day. This hasn’t always been the case. Although I have been learning how to meditate for over 30 years, I haven’t always made the time to practice regularly. What I’ve found is that when I do make mediation a regular practice I remain much calmer and can think a lot clearer.

From taking care of your family to driving on the freeway, modern life is extremely stressful. Learning to meditate is a great way to clear your mind and rid yourself of your daily worries and stresses. Many people, and you may be one of them, think that learning meditation is difficult but there are exercises that can make your practice easier.

Learning to Meditate

Want to know what the hardest part of meditation is? What’s interesting is that it’s the hardest thing for anything you want to start, from going back to school to a new exercise program. The hardest part in starting anything new is simply making the time. This is especially true when learning to meditate, partially because it can take a while to experience results. But if you’ll commit to practicing for at least a month you’ll begin to see its results. It might be difficult at first, but if you stay with it I assure you it will be well worth your effort. So when you start learning to meditate, commit to at least 15 minutes of daily meditation for four weeks.

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How to Stop Procrastinating

Mary Poppins: “Our first game is called Well Begun is Half-Done.”
Michael: “I don’t like the sound of that.”
Mary Poppins: “Otherwise titled Let’s Tidy up the Nursery.”
Michael: “I told you she was tricky.” from the movie Mary Poppins.

Yes, Mary Poppins was tricky. She knew the trick to getting things done was to start. This is the time of year when people are trying to put their New Years Resolutions into practice. One common New Years Resolution is to stop procrastinating. This is because procrastination is an issue that affects almost everyone, at least from time to time. Procrastination is common because its human nature to want to put off things you don’t enjoy doing. Everyone would rather skip the hard stuff, if they could.

At times, conquering your urge to procrastinate can be more difficult than at others. You might find that you are able to sail along and get everything done smoothly one day and the next you might not feel like doing anything but sitting around watching TV. While everyone has a challenging day from time to time, it’s a good idea to know how to overcome your urge to put off the things you know need to be done. The following are ideas that can help you overcome procrastination and keep you on the accomplishment track.

How to Stop Procrastinating

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How to Choose Happiness

When I’m feeling a little or a lot down I like to listen to “Put Your Records On” by Corinne Bailey Rae. It picks me up with its uplifting message of forgetting your worries and getting out of your funk.

Do you want to do something really good for your health? Then recognize that happiness is a choice. Choose to see life as full of happiness and something wonderful. It’ll do wonders for both your mental and physical health. Health and happiness go hand in hand. Choosing happiness actually puts a force field around you protecting you from the stresses of life. Since stress has been linked to heart disease, cancer and stroke stress is a good thing to be protected from.

Abraham Lincoln once said that a person is about as happy as they want to be. What that meant to me was that we can all be happy if we choose to. You see, people really choose for themselves how happy or stressed, relaxed or troubled, bright or dull their life will be. To me the choice is really simple – I choose to be happy. How do I do this? Well here are some things that work to help me develop inner happiness.

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Laughter Tips to Relieve Your Stress and Anxiety

Against the assault of laughter nothing can stand.” Mark Twain

As the old adage goes, laughter truly is the best medicine. A healthy daily dose of laughter is an excellent method to relieve your stress and anxiety. Laughter can replace your stressful, anxious feelings with a sense of joy that gives you the strength to overcome the obstacles you face. When you laugh with your family and friends you also enhance your relationships.

In addition, laughter is one of the world’s greatest health secrets. Enjoying silly moments and funny jokes is a great method for overcoming the stress in your life and can help you feel more relaxed and less tense. Less stress means less pressure on your body’s systems. Studies have shown that laughter may even promote a healing response within your body.

When you experience intense emotions, laughter can be a powerful tool to work your way through them. Having a healthy sense of humor gives you an emotional distraction for your worries and creates a fresh perspective on you’re the events in your life. Laughter is also one of the quickest and most effective ways to combat strong feelings of anger and frustration.

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The Power of Thinking Positive

I’m going to ask you a couple of questions. But before I ask them, I am going to ask you to do something that might feel a little weird. For the next ten minutes I want you to sit somewhere quiet and just listen to your thoughts. As you listen, write them down. Please, don’t cheat. Do the exercise. It will make reading this article a lot more powerful for you.

Okay, you’re back. Let’s see what you found out. The first question is what thoughts filled your head for the last 10 minutes? Were they positive or negative thoughts? In other words, do you have a positive or negative mindset?

Now let’s get back to the questions. The second question is when you’re walking down the street do you think that the people you meet can tell you what’s on your mind? In other words, can they tell if you consistently think positively or negatively?

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Simple Ways to Harness the Power of Positive Thinking

“If you think you are beaten you are; If you think you dare not, you don’t; If you want to win but think you can’t; It’s almost a cinch you won’t.

If you think you’ll lose you’re lost; for out of the world we find success begins with a fellow’s will; it’s all in their state of mind.

Life’s battles don’t always go to the stronger and faster man, but sooner or later the man who wins is the man who thinks he can.” – Author Unknown

I found that little saying above maybe 15 or 20 years ago. I strongly believe that what is saying is absolutely true. In fact, every self-help guru on the planet will tell you that the way to experience happiness, prosperity, and health is through the doorway of positive thinking. But sometimes it can be hard to stay positive, I know. (more…)

4 Tips to becoming more mindful

Have you ever found your mind wondering? You’re working on something one minute and then all of a sudden you are thinking about something all together different and don’t even know how you got to thinking about whatever it is? Sure it happens to us all, one moment we’re doing a great job of getting things done and the next moment we’re unfocused and unable to concentrate on even the simplest tasks.

If you let it, your mind will wonder where it wants and end up – who knows where. Now this is great if you don’t have anything to do, but if you’re like most of the people, being able to stay focused when you’re trying to get certain things done would help you do your work better and faster. Keeping this type of focus is known as mindful living.

If you are rushed and stressed out mindful living is an excellent way to relieve the stress and anxiety in your life. Learning how to stay focused and in the present could actually save you time and money and, in certain circumstances, such as when driving, mindful living could actually save your life! (more…)

I am discovering the power of my subconscious mind

This is a downloadable positive thought conditioner you can use to program your mind for success. The download link is located at the end of this post.

I am discovering the power of my subconscious mind.

I give myself uninterrupted time to focus on building myself up. Quiet time is where self-affirmation begins. During my daily affirmations I turn off my cell phone, laptop, and all other electronic devices that constantly tug at my attention. This way I can focus on me and how I feel inside.

To discover the beauty inside me, I focus on my subconscious mind, training it to look at my true self, my core being. I clear my mind through prayer and mindful meditation. Coming face to face with my deepest thoughts helps me to uncover the power of my subconscious mind and the person I really am. (more…)