Archive for the ‘ natural health secrets ’ Category

Your Summer Workout Program

Many people think of being fit as a set of six pack abs and a tight rear end. If you really stop to think about it, fitness is a lot more than bodybuilding and those splendidly well toned muscles that call our attention to them in magazines and on TV. Did you know that it’s possible to have the image of health while not being what your doctor would call fit?

Here’s something of note, if your body looks good, but you’re unhappy, you’re not really fit! You and I can probably think of people, models come to my mind that seem to be picture perfect but are actually anemic. On the other hand, I’ve talked to people that have a poor self image, yet are superbly physically fit.

My point is that when you’re looking to be fit, you want to have a holistic workout program. Your program should work on your whole being, improving your appearance through healthy eating habits and exercise, developing your mind and cultivating your spirit. Today I’d like to take a look at some healthy living tips and natural health secrets that can help you develop a balanced state of health.

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Achieving Supreme Health with Affirmations

I’m on a mission. My mission is to help as many people as I possibly can achieve and maintain their ideal mental and physical fitness levels. I must admit I do this for some very selfish reasons. The biggest are the resources we use up every year due to the poor health of our population.

Let me give you a new statistic I recently read from the U.S. Government that completely floored me. The number of people who are obese has exceeded the number of people who are overweight. In other words, as a population we are becoming even more unhealthy.

Maybe you are like many of us who wish to lose weight or get in better shape. Perhaps you’re concerned about your health. Maybe you’ve even made the decision to take better care of your body. Even with all this you might be asking yourself if there are things you could be doing to be healthier. The answer is yes!

Staying healthy, for most of us, is a choice and when you combine healthy eating habits and regular exercise, you look and feel better. You also reduce your stress levels, sleep more soundly, have more energy, and enjoy better health. But sometimes making the right choices isn’t as easy as it other people make it out to be, is it? Of course it’s not.

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Avoid these foods and lower your high blood pressure fast

A few years ago I started looking for some natural remedies for high blood pressure. You see my doctor told me my bad cholesterol and triglycerides were high. I found that I didn’t need to look for anything fancy because some of the best high blood pressure remedies are merely changing what you eat.

I started looking for foods that would help me lower my blood pressure. My research showed me that a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, protein, whole grains and low fats is one of the best diets for preventing hypertension. I also found that avoiding certain foods can go a long ways toward preventing hypertension and living a healthier, more energetic life.

Let’s take a look at 5 Foods to avoid that can help you lower your high blood pressure fast:

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How to deal with anxiety

Anxiety is one of the most common mental disorders, affecting over 18% or 40 million adults age 18 and older in the United States. According to “The Economic Burden of Anxiety Disorders,” a study published in The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, anxiety disorders cost the U.S. more than $42 billion a year. This statistics show us that anxiety is steadily becoming ‘the mental disease of the year’.

There are hundreds of different treatments for anxiety these days. There are so many choices of how to deal with anxiety that it can be difficult to figure out what’s best for you.

Some of the treatments for anxiety include medications. While anxiety is defined as a ‘mental disorder’, all of us suffer from it at one time or another, just as with depression. Some people suffer more due to an imbalance of neurotransmitters and therefore may have a biologically based anxiety disorder. For the rest of us, its just one of those things you have to deal with every now and then.

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Joke of the day websites for relieving stress

Even though the economy is turning around, its still seems like there is lots of bad news surrounding it. Although the average price of homes has begun to creep up, construction is still in the tank. Unemployment is still in double digits. The number of people defaulting on their mortgages continues is rising. The FDIC announced the failure of 4 banks in the last week. I don’t know about you but I really need a break from all of this bad news.

Life doesn’t have to be so dour. In fact if you want to escape all this negativity there is a really simple solution. Visit the internet. What’s that you say? Isn’t the internet where all this bad news resides? Would you like to see how to use the internet to escape all the bad news?

You’ve heard it said before, laughter is the best medicine. Well in the past 30 years or so this old saying has been backed up by both medical and psychological studies. Your brain contains the biggest pharmacy in the world. When you laugh, you release endorphins into your brain. Endorphins are natural narcotics that are not only good for relieving stress, but also give your psyche a boost when you’re feeling a little down. Studies have concluded that people who laugh often tend to live longer because they have a greatly reduced chance of being affected by a stress related illness like heart disease or cancer.

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9 natural methods of overcoming stress

We are bombarded daily with stuff that adds stress to our lives. This stress can lead to worry. Worry can lead to chronic stress and even depression. Of course, these can affect your mental and physical health.

So let’s look at 9 nearly effortless ways to relieve stress.

1. Stop putting things off. If you have a problem that needs to be taken care of, stop procrastinating and just do what needs to be done. Putting things off just adds stress to your life. Your problem may be difficult to face, but once you deal with it the stress in your life will go way down. This one step will go a long way toward overcoming stress in your life.

2. Get rid of energy suckers. If you have toxic people in your life, that is, people who make you feel uncomfortable, bad about yourself, lacking in some way, jumpy or sad, limit the time you spend with them or get rid of them altogether! This is excellent for relieving stress. When people have too much negative emotion they can suck the energy right out of you.

While it can be impossible to cut out certain people like family members and co-workers, you can organize your life in such a way that you spend the least amount of time possible with them. If you do have to spend time with a toxic person, schedule some time with a person whom you find uplifting afterward. This can help replace the energy that the toxic person sucked out of you.

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Cardio Exercise for Better Health

Last year I went from 176 to 168 pounds. That’s not a lot of weight but it was nearly a 5% overall drop. What was great about it was that it was all body fat. Since I already had a good strength training routine in place along with a good diet I attribute most of this to one of the world’s greatest health secrets, cardiovascular exercise.

Because I injured my knee a long time ago, my doctor had told me to stop running so I was doing low intensity cardio exercise by walking. It was keeping my heart fit but I wondered if high intensity cardio work out might be a better fit for me. Although my research had shown that that both low and high intensity cardiovascular exercises will help you to burn off body fat, I still wanted to find out which would be the most effective way to burn off the most body fat.

Scientists discovered a while back that during intensive exercises, your body burns glycogen. Glycogen is comprised of carbohydrates that are stored in your liver and muscles for energy. The scientists then did experiments to determine whether during low intensity exercises your body will also burn fat. They found that it did.

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