Posts Tagged ‘ world’s greatest health secrets ’

Laughter Tips to Relieve Your Stress and Anxiety

Against the assault of laughter nothing can stand.” Mark Twain

As the old adage goes, laughter truly is the best medicine. A healthy daily dose of laughter is an excellent method to relieve your stress and anxiety. Laughter can replace your stressful, anxious feelings with a sense of joy that gives you the strength to overcome the obstacles you face. When you laugh with your family and friends you also enhance your relationships.

In addition, laughter is one of the world’s greatest health secrets. Enjoying silly moments and funny jokes is a great method for overcoming the stress in your life and can help you feel more relaxed and less tense. Less stress means less pressure on your body’s systems. Studies have shown that laughter may even promote a healing response within your body.

When you experience intense emotions, laughter can be a powerful tool to work your way through them. Having a healthy sense of humor gives you an emotional distraction for your worries and creates a fresh perspective on you’re the events in your life. Laughter is also one of the quickest and most effective ways to combat strong feelings of anger and frustration.

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6 Natural Health Secrets

Staying healthy means you need to have healthy habits. For people who are trying to become healthier this often means a change from not so healthy to healthy habits. If you are into fast food you need to change into healthy eating habits. If you’re used to sitting on the couch watching TV you have to change into a regular exercise habit. Staying healthy takes a change in the way you see yourself, a change from the inside out.

To many people these types of changes can seem overwhelming. One of the world’s greatest health secrets is deciding is where to begin. So you have to determine what’s in it for you, why you want to make these healthy habit changes. It’s going to take time and energy so you need to understand what will be the return on your investment. That way you’ll stick with your plan.

I want to give you some quick tips on how to make having a healthy a lifetime habit. Let’s take a look at some of the top natural health and happiness secrets: (more…)

5 Benefits of Martial Arts

“The ultimate aim of Karate lies not in victory or defeat but in the perfection of the character of its participants.” – Gichin Funakoshi

School had just started in 1966 when a new show called the Green Hornet came on TV. Back then there weren’t a lot of choices, but I would have watched that show no matter what else would have been on. I wasn’t that interested in the main character, Britt Reid, played by Van Williams, but rather the supporting character Kato, played by Bruce Lee. I was fascinated by what Kato could do with his hands and feet and I knew that I wanted to be like him.

I found out that Bruce Lee practiced the Chinese martial art of Gung Fu and since I wanted to be like him I tried to find somewhere I could study that. But in 1966 there weren’t many martial art classes in Seaside California except for a Judo and Jujitsu and class being taught by Army Sergeant Yamamoto at the local Junior High School. Since there wasn’t anything else to choose from I joined his class. I found it to be really fun and interesting and it began my life long love affair with the martial arts. (more…)

Achieving Supreme Health with Affirmations

I’m on a mission. My mission is to help as many people as I possibly can achieve and maintain their ideal mental and physical fitness levels. I must admit I do this for some very selfish reasons. The biggest are the resources we use up every year due to the poor health of our population.

Let me give you a new statistic I recently read from the U.S. Government that completely floored me. The number of people who are obese has exceeded the number of people who are overweight. In other words, as a population we are becoming even more unhealthy.

Maybe you are like many of us who wish to lose weight or get in better shape. Perhaps you’re concerned about your health. Maybe you’ve even made the decision to take better care of your body. Even with all this you might be asking yourself if there are things you could be doing to be healthier. The answer is yes!

Staying healthy, for most of us, is a choice and when you combine healthy eating habits and regular exercise, you look and feel better. You also reduce your stress levels, sleep more soundly, have more energy, and enjoy better health. But sometimes making the right choices isn’t as easy as it other people make it out to be, is it? Of course it’s not.

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