Posts Tagged ‘ positive mental attitude ’

Developing a winning attitude

“The state of your life is nothing more than a reflection of your state of mind.” – Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Have you watched the movie “Yes Man”? If you haven’t I highly recommend it. It’s about a guy named Carl, (Jim Carey) who is stuck in a really bad place in life. In fact he’s so badly stuck that he almost drives away all his friends. After having an epiphany, Karl decides to attend a seminar that is built around saying “Yes” to everything. The first thing he says yes to is a homeless man that wants a ride to a city park on the other side of town. After allowing him to make phone calls on his cell phone and running down his battery he ends up out of gas and without a way to contact anybody in the middle of a far away park. He walks to the gas station and then his new life begins.

Now I don’t want to spoil the movie for you, and although it’s not for everyone, I do recommend that you watch it. It goes through Karl’s transformation by saying yes to life’s opportunities. By saying yes his whole attitude toward life changes, which in turn changes his life.

So what can you do to boost your attitude? Do you have to say yes to everything? That’s probably not a great idea, but changing your attitude about life might be just what the doctor ordered. Saying yes to life more of the time might be a good start. That’s because saying yes to life or having a positive mental attitude is one of the most important factors for success. A bad attitude gets you nowhere, while a good one can provide you with enough positive motivation to succeed beyond your wildest dreams.

Maybe you think that you already have a positive mental attitude, and maybe you do. However, if you begin to say yes to more in life, if you go about finding ways to help strengthen your attitude you can even soar to even higher levels of success.

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Overcoming Adversity With a Positive Mental Attitude

“Do not fear the winds of adversity. Remember: A kite rises against the wind rather than with it.” – Unknown

A man found a cocoon of a butterfly. One day a small opening appeared; he sat and watched the butterfly for several hours as it struggled to force its body through that little hole. Then it seemed to stop making any progress. It appeared as if it had gotten as far as it could and it could go no farther.

The man decided to help the butterfly, so he took a pair of scissors and snipped off the remaining bit of the cocoon. The butterfly then emerged easily. But it had a swollen body and small, shriveled wings.

As the man continued to watch he expected that the butterfly’s wings would enlarge at any moment and expand to be able to support the body, which would contract in time.

But neither happened! In fact, the butterfly spent the rest of its life crawling around with a swollen body and shriveled wings. It died, never being able to fly.

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Are you looking for abundance and prosperity?

It is not enough to be busy, so are the ants. The question is: what are we busy about?” -Henry David Thoreau

A couple of decades ago, a movie titled “Short Time” played in the movie theaters. It wasn’t a big box office hit, but it was amusing and it did make a point about living life to the fullest.

The movie was about a 50 year-old detective who was about to retire from the New York police force in eight days. Like most detectives, he worked all the time and definitely wasn’t living his life to the fullest. As a result of his dedication to his work he’s divorced and his ten year-old son, who he really wants to be a part of his life, lives with his ex-wife. He wants to retire to have more time to spend with his son. As you can probably imagine, this man doesn’t have the most positive mental attitude and, with eight days left on the force, he just wants to finish his time and play it safe.

Since he’s retiring he decides to take out a life insurance policy. To qualify for the policy he needs to take a physical. He and his partner go to the public employee’s clinic where he can get a physical done for free. While sitting there a city bus driver, who is there for a random drug test and doesn’t know that the two are detectives asks,” If someone smoked marijuana two days ago, will it show up on their drug test?”

The two detectives look at each other and reply, “Yes!”, as they show their badges to the bus driver. Then the bus driver then says “I didn’t say I used marijuana, I was just asking!” which sends the two detectives walking away chuckling.

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6 Steps to overcome poor self esteem

There is a type of crab that exhibits a rather interesting behavior. To catch these crabs, crabbers put pieces of dead fish in a crab cage and then lower it down into the water to the sea bottom. What happens next is extremely interesting. One crab will enter the cage and start to eat the fish, soon followed by another, and then another and then another until the cage is teeming with crabs and all the fish is gone. What’s fascinating is that the crabs will continue to linger in the crab cage, even though the food is gone. If a poor crab decides that he’s tired of this and starts to climb out of the cage the other crabs will grab him and pull him back down. In fact, they will rip him apart if he doesn’t stay put. After a while the crabbers come along and pull up the cage so no crab escapes alive.

Does this sound familiar? In life it can seem like everything and everyone else around you is pulling you down, preventing you from climbing higher than where you are at. These crabs will destroy your confidence and self esteem, pulling you down in ways you won’t even remember.

You don’t have to let these crabs destroy your confidence, or get the best of you. You can overcome stress and increase self confidence in any environment. So what are the secrets of keeping a positive mental attitude and staying cool, calm and composed? How can you overcome stress while maintaining your self esteem in a tough environment? Here are a few stress relief tips to think about as a starter guide for developing a positive mental attitude.

Crab Cage Avoider #1: The Negative Work Environment

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Goal Setting for Personal Achievement

Harry Houdini once said, “There is no trick in taking the rabbit out of the hat – the real trick is getting him into the hat to begin with.” That goes for everything in life. We begin working on the inside and then reap on the outside. How do you build yourself from the inside? By setting and achieving goals. Goals can guide you in the direction you want your life to be and build your positive mental attitude.

When I was in my 20’s I learned that setting goals needed to be a priority in my life. It was one of the best self improvement tips I’ve ever learned. As a result there are a couple of things related to my goals I do every night. The first is I review the goals I set for myself the night before and review how well I think I did on each task. Then I write out my tasks for the next day.

As a result I am very goal directed. Almost all my tasks are directly related to goals that I have set for myself. The funny thing about goal setting is that it really that simple, just write down the tasks that will bring you in the direction of your goals and then check to see if you are doing what you assigned yourself to do. That’s it.

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Motivational thoughts for developing a positive mental attitude

Over the past few years I’ve gone through many trials and tribulations. In those times I needed to hear something to make me feel better, or at least to know that I am not alone in my experiences. Maybe you are like that too. Maybe you can use some things to help your positive mental attitude.

At times we get all we need from friends and loved ones, but at other times, when our relationships change or when our friends and loved ones become sick or die we need to find inspiration in other places.

Over my life I’ve found a great deal of comfort from motivational thoughts and ideas that come from the books I’ve read and the recordings I’ve listened to. In fact, going to these types of resources has become somewhat of a habit with me. These inspiring messages alone can sometimes put things into perspective like nothing else can.

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7 Steps for Positive Thinking

“More important than the knowledge of outer space is the possession of inner space.” – Unknown

How does a person develop a positive mental attitude, especially with the world we live in today? There is always so much bad news bearing down on us that it can be difficult to even get a good view of what you would like your life to be like.

I wish I could tell you that all you have to do is read a certain book, think certain motivational thoughts or visit a certain guru and your life will be just the way you’d like it to be. Unfortunately, life isn’t like that. That’s what I have to explain to my clients on a regular basis, there is no Harry Potter that can suddenly touch your head and make your life better. In order to have any lasting change in your life you need to do something. You need to take action that will bring you in the direction of your goals. You need to work on creating a positive mental attitude.

So what can you do? First you can start by setting simple goals and making every effort to achieve them when you say you will. So if you have made a goal to cut the lawn, start the task an hour before the big game on TV. That way you’ll feel good about watching the game instead of guilty about not mowing the grass.

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15 ways to develop a Positive Mental Attitude

There are many clichés and sayings in the world, some that you’ve heard a million times. You may have even dismissed a few of these over the years for one reason or another.

Would you be surprised if I told you that all of these sayings seem to always have at least a nugget of truth to be gleaned from them? If you really pay attention, you just might learn something from these old clichés.

Here is a list of the 15 most obvious motivational thoughts, clichés and sayings ever, and why you should listen to them:

1. If you don’t give people respect, you won’t get it in return. No matter what culture you originate from this is true. All people want to be treated with respect. When you do this, you win their confidence and often their friendship also. By the way the saying, if you don’t respect yourself, no one will either, is just as true.

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Use a positive mental attitude and change your life!

When I was younger, if something went ‘wrong’ I would ask myself something like “Why does this always have to happen to me?” This would result in something else ‘bad’ happening, that led to something else. Eventually I found that my whole life was full of ‘bad’ stuff. Does this ever happen to you? Would you be surprised if I told you everyone I have ever talked with have had similar experiences?

What I found was there were a couple of reasons this would happen to me all the time. They both were affects of my thinking.

The first reason was that my focus was on the negative. James Allen once said, “All that a man achieves and all that he fails to achieve is the direct result of his own thoughts.” What he was telling us is that our minds will go in the direction of our dominant thoughts. Since I was focusing on the negative my mind continued to find all the negative events in my life. I kept reliving reasons for failure, over and over again.

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Spring Cleaning Tips for Relieving Stress and Developing a Positive Mindset

“I’ve lived a long life and had many troubles, most of which never happened.” – Mark Twain

According to a Native American legend, as the world was being made the spirits of the world needed to decide where to hide the secret of happiness.

They all got together to discuss the matter but none of them could come up with an answer. They had been sitting quietly for a long while when the spirit of the water exclaimed, “I know where we can hide the secret! We can bring the secret to the bottom of the deepest part of the ocean. Man will never find it there!”

The spirits discussed this proposal for a while when the spirit of the forest noted, “Man is already diving in the water and going very deep. He also has ships, called submarines that can go very deep into the water.

No”, declared the spirit of the forest, “that wouldn’t be a very good idea at all.”

The spirits, chagrined, sat down to think some more when the spirit of the mountain stood up and exclaimed. “I know! We can take the secret to the top of the highest mountain peak and bury it in the ground. No man will find it there!”

The spirits bantered the new proposal about for a while. Finally the spirit of the sky said, “We know that man is already climbing to the top of many high mountains. In fact he has machines that can fly and even hover and land on the highest peak. It won’t be long before man will find the secret there.”

The spirits sat down again, discouraged. Suddenly the spirit of the wind got up. Excitedly he exclaimed, “I’ve got it!”
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