Posts Tagged ‘ positive mental attitude ’

Change Your Attitude – Change Your Life!

One of the things I’m proud of is that people who know me will usually say that I have a positive mental attitude. The reason for this is because over the years I have found that my attitude makes a huge affect on not only my immediate life but my future and the outcomes I receive as well. When my attitude is positive my life seems to go well but when my latitude is negative, well it’s not so good. Sometimes I struggle with keeping a positive mental attitude, as was the case this last week. I struggled a little and had to use some of these ways to adjust my attitude.

Maybe you or somebody you know has had the experience of having a slightly negative attitude also. If you have, then maybe these attitude adjustment tips might be helpful. I’ve found that when I’m focused on doing what I’m suggesting here my attitude really changes for the better. So enjoy, and I hope you have a wonderful week!

J. Oppenheimer once told this story, “David received a parrot for his birthday. The parrot was fully grown with a bad attitude and worse vocabulary. Every other word was an expletive. Those that weren’t expletives were, to say the least, rude.

David tried hard to change the bird’s attitude and was constantly saying polite words, playing soft music, and doing anything he could think of to try and set a good example. Nothing worked. He yelled at the bird and the bird got worse. He shook the bird and the bird got angry and ruder.

Finally, in a moment of desperation, David put the parrot in the freezer. For a few moments he heard the bird squawking and kicking and screaming. Then suddenly, there was quiet. David was frightened that he might have actually hurt the bird and quickly opened the freezer door.

The parrot calmly stepped out onto David’s extended arm and said: “I’m sorry that I might have offended you with my language and actions and ask your forgiveness. I will endeavor to correct my behavior”.

David was astounded at the bird’s change in attitude and was just about to ask what had made such a drastic change, when the parrot continued: ‘May I ask what the chicken did?’”

A lot of times we start seeing life a certain way and, as a result, we, like the parrot, begin behaving in a certain manner. As a result we can begin acting in ways that are not very empowering and make our lives dull and unhappy.

The good news is that to change your life, to make it better, often all you need is an slight attitude adjustment. You see, a better tomorrow could start with something as simple as your changing your attitude. Your perspectives, the way you see the world, has a huge effect on your overall happiness. Your attitude can affect your success as well. So by changing your attitude you can change your world.

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Overcoming the Negativity in Your Life

“Fear less, hope more; Eat less, chew more; Whine less, breathe more; Talk less, say more; Love more, and all good things will be yours” – Swedish Proverb

Most people know it’s better to have a positive mental attitude rather than a negative one. Unfortunately, in our world, it’s easy to let negativity creep into your life and take over. While it’s perfectly normal to be in a bad mood every once in a while, if you don’t watch it, your mind can become so overwhelmingly negative that it affect everything that you do.

Having a negative attitude it hurts the people around you. More importantly, it hurts you. By figuring out the underlying cause of your negative attitude you can develop a positive mindset and begin living the kind of life you really want to live, a life full of dreams and possibilities.

A negative attitude will stop all progress in its tracks. It tells you that you can’t or, at least you don’t believe you can reach your goals. When this happens your attitude can become one of, “Why bother trying?” This is the real danger of a negative attitude it’s a thief that robs you of all the good life has to offer.

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How to Live Simply

Life today is a lot faster. As life gets faster it also becomes more complicated. As life gets more complicated it also becomes more stressful. This just isn’t good for you at all!

As Confucius once said, “Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.” Life can be a lot simpler if we allow it to be. The problem is we just keep filling our lives up with more and more stuff. The question is if we keep filling up our lives with stuff how can we ever focus on what matters most?

Many people, and maybe you are one of them, are running around trying to squeeze everything they can out of life. The facts are they’d be a whole lot happier and healthier if they took the time to be mindful, to smell the roses and savor the wonderful life around them.

If you would like to slow down and live more mindfully, here are 5 tips you can use to simplify your life starting today:

1. Eliminate Clutter.

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using change to live a more fulfilled life

Have you noticed that some people seem to be excited about life all the time? These people seem to have a permanent positive mindset. How do they develop that mindset? By keeping their lives exciting! Would you like to develop a more positive mindset and have a more exciting life? You can!

We all understand that life is full of chores and routines and many of these are just not very exciting. When done often enough you can find yourself just going through the motions, doing these routine tasks without even realizing that you could be seeking out some excitement instead.

Even though there will always be chores and other required tasks, you can set time aside for more fulfilling adventures. Just imagine a life full of excitement and adventure. With a little ingenuity and action, boredom can soon become a faint memory of your past. Let’s see how.

Here are seven ways to live a more fulfilled life:

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Starting Your Optimum Health Plan for 2011

Your health is a matter of taking care of both your mind and body. By exercising and eating well you can improve your physical health. But if you have a negative attitude you will not experience optimum health. You need a plan that develops both your body and mind. Your optimum health plan needs to have nutrition for both soma and mentis (body and mind).

In order to achieve optimum health you may find that you need to change something about your life. You may want to change your diet, your exercise routine, or perhaps your overall mental attitude. Since our society looks for immediately results you need to remember that these type of lifestyle changes don’t happen overnight so be patient when looking for results. Another thing to remember is that if you’re trying to lose weight, sometimes the body gets healthy on the inside first before you begin to see results on the outside.

Getting Your Optimum Health Plan Started

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Developing a Positive Mental Attitude During Difficult Times

Right now many people are facing tough times. Are you one of those people? If you are I want you to know that you can get through these tough times and use them to develop a positive mental attitude. In order to develop your attitude you need to focus on the positive events in your life. This will help you develop a mindset that can pull you through. As you better understand how to believe in yourself and focus on the positive in your life, you can better weather the ups and downs life throws at you. Using this process you can develop a mindset that helps you to persevere no matter how tough times are.

A positive mindset can help you believe in yourself and help you go farther than you’ve ever imagined. Your first step is to believe that you’re capable of accomplishing great things. A firm belief in yourself and your capabilities will help to banish the negative thoughts that can cripple your thinking during trying times.

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Goal setting strategies to achieve your dreams

“I’d rather attempt to do something great and fail than to attempt to do nothing and succeed.” – Dr. Robert H. Schuller

I have always enjoyed that quote by Dr. Schuller. Another quote of his that I really enjoy is “What great thing would you attempt if you knew you could not fail?” That’s a great question, isn’t it? What great dreams would you pursue if you knew it was impossible to fail? What lifetime goals would you put on your plate and go after with all your heart if you knew that eventually you would succeed?

When we start out in this world we all have dreams about what we want to achieve. As children, some set their sights on being an astronaut, some as mechanics and others as doctors. We all have dreams but, as we grow older, we sometimes lose sight of them.

Maybe you’ve lost sight of your dreams. Maybe your dreams no longer seem achievable. But even though you’ve lost sight of your dreams, others are achieving theirs. Many times they are similar to yours! If your dreams are possible for others, then you too can achieve them! With the right goal setting strategies your current position in life can be the launching pad to the destiny you’ve always dreamed about.

Keep in mind that bigger dreams take longer to achieve. But if you focus on the small steps, what you can do today, and take consistent action, you can achieve whatever your heart desires. The key to a life of success and fulfillment is to have goal setting strategies designed to assist you in chasing your dreams, beginning today. You must start your journey now, especially if your lifetime goals are big, and I hope they are! (more…)

How positive psychology can help you overcome adversity

“You may not realize it when it happens, but at times a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you.” – Walt Disney

For the past few years I’ve seem to run into one challenge after another. Some of the challenges have been much bigger than others. What I’ve learned is that regardless of the size of the challenges you might be facing today, you can get past it. It may appear to loom large, covering most of your future, but it’s only the angle from which you’re looking that makes it seem so big. You can overcome challenges when you learn to see them differently!

There are certain things I do and habits I’ve formed for overcoming challenges quicker and easier. For example, one of the things I used to do was focusing on the problem. Now I focus on what I’m capable of, not on what’s trying to hold me back.

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Let me ask, do you tend to talk about how big your hindrances are, rather than discussing how big your abilities are, or how big your Higher Power is? No matter what, there’s something out there, something valuable, that’s bigger than the obstacles you’re facing today. Let’s look at a few effective ways of overcoming challenges in your life.

How to attract abundance and prosperity into your life

It looks like the economy is starting to turn back around. You want to know a secret? As long as I have been alive it always has and my belief is that it always will. I also believe that even though there will always be setbacks, such as what has happened for the past couple of years, people that keep a positive mindset will find ways to survive and thrive even in the worst of times. Keeping a positive mental attitude is a key ingredient for creating and manifesting abundance in all areas of your life.

Before we continue I want you to know that I don’t define abundance as only financial wealth. Abundance to me is health, relationships, spiritual growth as well as financial prosperity.

Today we’re going to examine some strategies that will help you develop a positive mindset that will attract abundance and enable you to live the life you desire.

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Helping others live life to the fullest

“To live is the rarest thing in the world – most people exist – that is all.” – Oscar Wilde

A farmer had an old mule that he had named Slim that had helped him faithfully for many years. One morning the farmer woke up thinking about old Slim and decided that he would put him out to pasture to enjoy the rest of his life. So the farmer put on his clothes, went out to the barn and looked at old Slim and said, “You’ve been a good mule and I’m going to put you out to pasture. From this day on all you have to do is eat and sleep.” The farmer removed the mule’s halter, opened the gate and slapped the mule on the backside and told him, “Okay Slim, get out of here.”

For the next few days the farmer would see the mule wandering the pasture from time to time, but a week or so later he didn’t see the mule anywhere. He searched his farm from end to end but still couldn’t find Slim. There was an old, abandoned well in the far corner of his farm so he decided to search for Slim there.

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