Posts Tagged ‘ how to stop procrastinating ’

How to Stop Procrastinating

Mary Poppins: “Our first game is called Well Begun is Half-Done.”
Michael: “I don’t like the sound of that.”
Mary Poppins: “Otherwise titled Let’s Tidy up the Nursery.”
Michael: “I told you she was tricky.” from the movie Mary Poppins.

Yes, Mary Poppins was tricky. She knew the trick to getting things done was to start. This is the time of year when people are trying to put their New Years Resolutions into practice. One common New Years Resolution is to stop procrastinating. This is because procrastination is an issue that affects almost everyone, at least from time to time. Procrastination is common because its human nature to want to put off things you don’t enjoy doing. Everyone would rather skip the hard stuff, if they could.

At times, conquering your urge to procrastinate can be more difficult than at others. You might find that you are able to sail along and get everything done smoothly one day and the next you might not feel like doing anything but sitting around watching TV. While everyone has a challenging day from time to time, it’s a good idea to know how to overcome your urge to put off the things you know need to be done. The following are ideas that can help you overcome procrastination and keep you on the accomplishment track.

How to Stop Procrastinating

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Motivating yourself to take action

“We will either find a way or make one.” – Hannibal

All change in your life comes as a result of making a decision to change. It doesn’t matter what you want to accomplish, when you make a decision you’re almost half way toward your goal. But by itself, making a decision won’t bring you the change you want. In fact, if all you do is make a decision then you won’t go anywhere. You’ll stay stuck exactly where you are. To make a change in your life means you have to stop procrastinating and start taking action that moves you toward your goals.

While nearly everyone knows that taking action towards your dreams and goals is vital, it’s also clear that motivating yourself to get out of your comfort zone can be a challenge. Even after you stop procrastinating it can be difficult to continue to take consistent action and keep your forward momentum. However, taking action and keeping your momentum is essential if you want to be able to achieve your present or lifetime goals.  Those who know how to stop procrastinating and motivate themselves daily to take action are the ones who experience success.

So how do you motivate yourself to continuously work toward your goals, especially when faced with challenges? Although there are many ways to motivate yourself, some strategies will motivate you more than others.  Since this is true, it’s good to experiment with several different ways to motivate yourself. Then, as you do face life’s difficulties, you can use one of these strategies to stop procrastinating and get you back on track.

Try these techniques to motivate yourself to stop procrastinating and take action:

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