Posts Tagged ‘ lifetime goals ’

Setting Lifetime Goals

Success is the progressive realization of a worthy goal or ideal.” Earl Nightingale

I love Earl Nightingale’s definition of success and I still love to listen to his recordings. Even though he’s been gone for quite a while now I still learn from him as I re-listen, or really listen to his many words of wisdom. I feel that he had a real grip on what success in life really is.

When you think of success who do you think of?  Carlos Slim Helu, Bill Gates or Oprah Winfrey? Maybe you think of Tom Hanks, Will Smith or Glenn Close? I don’t know about you but I think that success is more than economic gains, awards, titles, and degrees. To me success is about living a fulfilling and balanced life. This means when planning for your success you need to map out all the different facets of your life. Similar to a map, you need to define the following details: your starting point or origin, where you want to end up, how you plan on getting there, what you need to bring with you, landmarks – places that let you know where you are and which route you’ll take to get there. Let’s take a look at these now…

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3 stepping stones to success

Once upon a time, there was a general who was leading his army into battle against an enemy ten times the size of his own. Along the way to the battle field, the troops stopped by a small temple to pray for victory.

The general held up a coin and told his troops, “I am going to implore the gods to help us crush our enemy. If this coin lands with the heads on top, we’ll win. If it’s tails, we’ll lose. Our fate is in the hands of the gods. Let’s pray wholeheartedly.”

After a short prayer, the general tossed the coin. It landed with the heads on top. The troops were overjoyed and went into the battle with high spirits. Just as predicted, the smaller army won the battle. The soldiers were exalted, “It’s good to have the gods on our side! No one can change what they have determined.”

“Really?” The general show them the coin – both sides of it were heads.

~author unknown

Like the general understood, your results have a great deal to do with your beliefs. If you have positive beliefs you’ll receive positive results but if you have negative beliefs, well you know those results too. It all depends on your mindset.

How can you develop a more positive mindset? By controlling what you focus on. If you focus on the negative things in your live you’ll get negative results but if you focus on the positive things in your life you have a much better chance to succeed. That’s one of the best kept secrets to success and is exactly what the Law of Attraction tells us, what you focus on will generally manifest itself in your life. Sooner or later, what you pay attention to will be what your life becomes.

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Relaxation training to calm your mind

Is your mind always restless? Do you find yourself constantly worrying about the troubles you’re facing? Do you long for peace of mind and confidence about the direction you’re headed? If this is you – there is a solution. Instead of trying to avoid your thoughts and problems, focus on accepting where you are and finding the solutions to your challenges. You don’t have to deal with a troubled mind forever. Using these simple relaxation exercises you can learn to calm your mind and live the life you really want.

Try the following relaxation exercises for training your mind to be calm:

1. Accept where you are and your situation right now. Resolve right now to accept the things about your situation that you cannot change and don’t pretend your difficulties don’t exist. If you fight the fact that you have difficulties, your challenges will just become bigger ones. Accepting your situation will bring you an inner peace that will make dealing with your challenges easier. (more…)

My actions are my stepping stones to my success

I have the ability to determine what becomes of my life. By making decisions life and then taking action, I write on the pages of the book of my life.

I measure success by the actions that take me closer to my lifetime goals. Therefore, I only do the things that move me toward my goals. These are my stepping stones to success. Who I become is the result of the sum of my actions. The outcome of my life is a direct result of me making the decision to take the actions necessary to move me toward my goals today.

The world owes me nothing. It is up to me to achieve my dreams. Hope alone lacks the power to bring my dreams to fruition. But when my actions join hands with hope, I am unstoppable!

I start out with baby steps as one small adjustment each day brings me one step closer to my goals. When my progress is slow, I am patient, keeping the end result in mind. The sweet taste of achieving my lifetime goals is the fuel that drives me. (more…)

Goal setting strategies to achieve your dreams

“I’d rather attempt to do something great and fail than to attempt to do nothing and succeed.” – Dr. Robert H. Schuller

I have always enjoyed that quote by Dr. Schuller. Another quote of his that I really enjoy is “What great thing would you attempt if you knew you could not fail?” That’s a great question, isn’t it? What great dreams would you pursue if you knew it was impossible to fail? What lifetime goals would you put on your plate and go after with all your heart if you knew that eventually you would succeed?

When we start out in this world we all have dreams about what we want to achieve. As children, some set their sights on being an astronaut, some as mechanics and others as doctors. We all have dreams but, as we grow older, we sometimes lose sight of them.

Maybe you’ve lost sight of your dreams. Maybe your dreams no longer seem achievable. But even though you’ve lost sight of your dreams, others are achieving theirs. Many times they are similar to yours! If your dreams are possible for others, then you too can achieve them! With the right goal setting strategies your current position in life can be the launching pad to the destiny you’ve always dreamed about.

Keep in mind that bigger dreams take longer to achieve. But if you focus on the small steps, what you can do today, and take consistent action, you can achieve whatever your heart desires. The key to a life of success and fulfillment is to have goal setting strategies designed to assist you in chasing your dreams, beginning today. You must start your journey now, especially if your lifetime goals are big, and I hope they are! (more…)

Motivating yourself to take action

“We will either find a way or make one.” – Hannibal

All change in your life comes as a result of making a decision to change. It doesn’t matter what you want to accomplish, when you make a decision you’re almost half way toward your goal. But by itself, making a decision won’t bring you the change you want. In fact, if all you do is make a decision then you won’t go anywhere. You’ll stay stuck exactly where you are. To make a change in your life means you have to stop procrastinating and start taking action that moves you toward your goals.

While nearly everyone knows that taking action towards your dreams and goals is vital, it’s also clear that motivating yourself to get out of your comfort zone can be a challenge. Even after you stop procrastinating it can be difficult to continue to take consistent action and keep your forward momentum. However, taking action and keeping your momentum is essential if you want to be able to achieve your present or lifetime goals.  Those who know how to stop procrastinating and motivate themselves daily to take action are the ones who experience success.

So how do you motivate yourself to continuously work toward your goals, especially when faced with challenges? Although there are many ways to motivate yourself, some strategies will motivate you more than others.  Since this is true, it’s good to experiment with several different ways to motivate yourself. Then, as you do face life’s difficulties, you can use one of these strategies to stop procrastinating and get you back on track.

Try these techniques to motivate yourself to stop procrastinating and take action:

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5 Great goal setting tips

Setting personal goals is one of the best ways to get ahead in life – but only if you’re doing it strategically. Even if you are one of the few people in life that are actually setting goals, there are certain goal setting strategies that work better than others.

Are you passionate about your goals? Do you believe they are achievable? Do set goals only to give up on them quickly? While anybody can be discouraged, with the right goal setting strategies, you can create lifetime goals that will really drive you. Goals that you will peruse with your whole being and that you will achieve more easily than you ever imagined.

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What gets you up in the morning and keeps you going late at night?

7 keys for developing a purpose focused life

As a hypnotherapist I see a lot of people that tell me they are stuck, that their lives are not going in the direction they would like them to go. My question to them is “What would you like your life to be like?” and “What are your goals?” Almost all of these people can’t tell me what they want in life because they don’t have any goals. So to help them get unstuck I give them a goal setting system.

You see, there are certain goal setting strategies and secrets known by top-caliber athletes, successful businessmen and women as well as top achievers in every avenue of life. In fact, to my knowledge there is no successful achiever alive that doesn’t have a goal setting system for their professional and personal lives. All of these systems involve setting long and short term goals as part of their personal development action plan.

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